The Land Planning Department is responsible for assigning all physical addresses in the unincorporated areas of Big Horn County.
The County requires the assignment of a physical address for all residences, businesses, seasonally-occupied structures (e.g., cabins and ranger stations), high-frequency public use structures (e.g., comfort stations, rest areas, and similar), and unmanned facilities connected to a utility in unincorporated Big Horn County. Addressing of other structures may be required or taken into consideration at the discretion of the Land Planning Department. Addresses will generally not be assigned to vacant lots or parcels where no development is planned in the near future.
How to Request a Physical Address
Self-assignment of addresses is prohibited in Big Horn County, the County Land Planner assigns all addresses based on the County Road and Address Management Policy (RAMP). In order to assign an address in unincorporated Big Horn County, you must submit an Address Application and fee to the Land Planning Department.
The following will be verified before an address is issued:
- Applicant is the owner of the property upon which an address is being requested. If the applicant is not the landowner, approval from the landowner is required
- Verification of legal passage to the land, verification of direct access to a permitted County ROW, WYDOT, or easement through private land to a public ROW.
- Does the parcel meet the road name requirements of the RAMP?
How is an address number determined?
If the address location is on a currently named road, the address number will be assigned based on a number range defined by the Big Horn County Address System. Using geographic information systems (GIS), the road will be segmented into sections that match the range of numbers defined. In most cases, the address number assigned will be chosen where the access road to the address location meets the named road. Generally, addresses north or east of the named road will have an odd number assigned and addresses south or west of the named road will have an even number assigned.
If the address location is on an unnamed road and there are two or fewer addressed locations along the access, a number will be assigned based on the named road that the access road intersects. If the address location is on an unnamed road and there are three or more addressed locations along the access, the private road will first be named using the process defined in the Big Horn County Road and Address Management Policy, then all addresses along the road will be reassigned accordingly.
Address Changes
There are occasions where addresses are modified. One example is when more than two residences share a common access road that has not yet been named. In this case, the road will be named and any existing addresses along the road will be changed to match the newly named road. Each addressee will be notified of the change, as well as all emergency services and dispatch offices, utility companies, county offices, the postal service, and other interested parties.
If an existing address does not conform to the County address system or policy, the County Planner will initiate the process for changing an address.
See the Big Horn County Road and Address Management Policy for more information.
Reporting Damaged Signs
To report a down, missing, or damaged sign call the Land Planning Department at (307) 568-2424 or send an email to
Addresses for In-Town Residents
If the structure you are seeking an address for is within a municipal boundary (i.e., Basin, Burlington, Byron, Cowley, Deaver, Frannie, Greybull, Lovell, or Manderson), please contact the appropriate municipality. The Land Planning Department only issues in-town addresses upon the request of the town administration.